GT8 series intelligent temperature control instrument

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Product code GT8 Category:

GT8 series is a new type temperature controller designed by Winpark. This controller with two-way PID, communication and 24 alarm modes can be switched, which brings it ability to meet customer’s need from low to high. These new functions make it more efficient and accurate in equipment manufacturing and using. It saves a lot of time and cost for our clients.

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—Panel Size: 48mm×48mm;48mm×96mm;72mm×72mm;96mm×96mm

—Input Signal: T: universal input; A: analog input

—Power Type: linear power supply, switch power supply

—Main Output: relay; logic level; analog output; SCR phase shift/ zero cross; 30A relay output; built-in SCR output, analog isolation

—Alarm Output: no alarm; 1 relay alarm output; 2 relay alarm output; 1 logic level alarm output and 1 relay alarm output; 1 logic level alarm output; 2 logic level alarm output; 1 relay alarm output (normally open/ normally close)

—Strengthened Function: no strengthened function; RS485 communication

—Function Code: for customized product only

—Rated Voltage: Linear power 180V-240V AC, Switch power 85V~265V AC, 50/60 HZ

—Power Consumption: ≤5VA

—Dielectric Strength: power-input: 1500V AC 1min; input-relay output: 1500V AC 1min; power-relay output: 1500V AC 1min

—Insulation Resistance: input-relay output: >20MΩ; input-power: >20MΩ; power-relay output: >20MΩ

—Working Environment: Ambient temperature: 0℃~50℃; Relative Humidity: 35%~85% (no condensation)

—Relay Output: relay contact: AC220V/ DC30V,3A (resistive load or designation)

—Logic level output: ON: DC 12V; OFF: Below DC 0.5V; Max current: 30mA; load resistance≥1K

—SCR zero cross signal: 100mA

—DC 4-20mA output: allowable load resistance below 500Ω

—Input Sensor: TC: ≤100Ω; RTD: ≤5Ω(each wire)

—Measurement Range: K(-270℃~1370℃);E(-270℃~1000℃);J(-210℃~1200℃);S(-50~1768℃);B(0℃~1820℃);N(-270℃~1300℃);R(-50℃~1768℃);T(-270℃~400℃);PT100(-200℃~850℃);Cu50(-50℃~150℃)

—Resolution: 0.1℃ (adjustable)

—Accuracy: ±0.5%FS

—This series is a multi-input product with thermocouple, Platinum resistance, analog voltage input, and analog current input

—In addition to standard controls, optional two-way PID control function (heating and cooling)

—Automatically set PID parameters (AT function)

—Communication function (Optional)

—Support user correcting sensor input

—Compliance with EMC standards

GT8 series is a new type temperature controller designed by Winpark. This controller with two-way PID, communication and 24 alarm modes can be switched, which brings it ability to meet customer’s need from low to high. These new functions make it more efficient and accurate in equipment manufacturing and using. It saves a lot of time and cost for our clients.


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